
Privately collect monthly donations for family & friends.

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AutoGive is 100% Free for the person receiving the money because Group Members cover all fees

Why it works

People passing an envelope. Private, invite-only groups

Private, invite-only groups

Like any online invitation, your group is available to only those you invite.

Illustration for "Automatic monthly giving"

Automatic monthly giving

Predictable monthly donations with weekly deposits to the recipient.

Illustration for "Simple group messaging"

Simple group messaging

Provide updates to group members and coordinate any extra assistance.

Collect monthly donations for…

Not all causes should be out there for the world to see

When things are personal, privacy matters.

That's why people trust AutoGive's invite-only approach to monthly group fundraising.

Every day there are thousands of families and friends coming together to support one another on an ongoing, monthly basis.

Privacy matters illustration.Heart illustration.

By creating an invite-only group for yourself or someone you care about, you’re helping to meet critical monthly expenses while avoiding the public pressure of social media.

AutoGive also works great for teachers, students, volunteers, coaches and athletes. Supportive groups thrive here.

Help support the causes that matter most and make a difference in someone's life today.

What impact will you make?

Common Questions

But first, some terms we use...

Group Organizer - The person who creates the group.

Group Members - Invited individuals who make monthly donations to the group.

Recipient - The person receiving the money from the group.

Does AutoGive offer loans or other assistance to help with raising funds for elder care?

No, AutoGive does not offer loans, grants or other funding. We focus all our efforts on making our platform great so you can get your loved one the support they need.

How do I invite people to my group?

AutoGive makes it easy to compose your own invitation via text message or email from your own device. This means you won’t need to remember everyone’s contact info.

Does using AutoGive require me to be affiliated with a particular nursing home or assisted living brand?

No. AutoGive is an independent enterprise and has no relationship with any elder care community or brand.

How do members of my group make a monthly donation?

Simple! We support Apple Pay, Google Pay, or using a credit / debit card to make a monthly donation to your group.

Can I use AutoGive donations for supplies and other needs related to my loved one’s care?

Absolutely. The funds you raise through AutoGive are for you to use in support of your loved one. We do recommend you track your spending and save receipts, though.

How do I, or someone I invite actually receive the money?

When you create your group, we’ll ask you for the name and contact info of the person who will be receiving the monthly donations (even if it’s you).

Then, the Recipient of the money will be invited to securely add their banking info so they can begin to receive a weekly deposit. The total of all weekly deposits is equal to the amount of donations that the group collects each month.

Does AutoGive partner with and/or offer discounts to any elder care providers?

No, we are currently a fully independent enterprise.

Does the Recipient of the money get charged any fees?

No! The Recipient recieves 100% of a Group Member’s monthly donation. To make this possible, Group Members cover the payment processing, payout and platform subscription fees.

What fees do Group Members pay?

Group members are charged a card processing & payout fee equivalent to 3.25% + $0.30 of each month’s total charges.

AutoGive does charge each Group Member $1 per week to use the service. This small fee helps support our team and is billed as $4 per month.

Learn more about Fees and how your total monthly payment is calculated here.

We think you’ll find our service very helpful and the low fees well worth the price.

What about supplies or specific services — does AutoGive offer any partner discounts?

No, AutoGive does not partner with any elder care equipment and/or supply industry companies for discounts.

Can I use AutoGive in my country?

The Recipient of the Group's monthly donations will need to have a valid United States Social Security Number. Support for more countries is coming soon!

Group Members donating monthly can be located in almost any country that uses either credit or debit cards.

What about my senior loved ones’ friends? Can they help with elder care expenses?

Of course! Group organizers are welcome to invite anyone they feel would make a great addition to their group.

What about taxes?

While we’re not Certified Public Accounts (CPA) and cannot offer tax advice, receiving a financial gift/donation in the U.S. from another person is generally not considered income and is not taxed as income.

Please consult your financial advisor to determine whether gifts received will impact your eligibility to other income or assistance programs.

Additionally, in the U.S. an individual can give up to $18,000 per year to another individual without requiring any tax filings. This amount increases to $36,000 per year for gifts from married couples to an individual. This is called ‘The Annual Gift Tax Exclusion’.

Donations made on AutoGive are considered personal gifts and are not tax deductible.

Myself and/or my loved one has friends in other parts of the world — can they participate?

While anyone receiving funds from AutoGive needs to be based in the U.S., anyone anywhere in the world can participate as a group member as long as they have a valid debit card or credit card.

How do I, or the recipient access the donations collected?

When you create your group, we’ll ask you for the name and contact information of the person who will be receiving the monthly donations (even if it’s you).

Then, the recipient of the money will be invited to securely add their banking details so they can begin to receive a weekly deposit. Each weekly deposits is equal to the full amount of money that the group collects that week.

What if my or my loved one’s family and friend circle is small?

That’s okay! Start with the network you do have, and build from there. If your AutoGive circle members are comfortable, they may be willing to invite people too. And, it may be a good idea to post about your AutoGive group on social media (depending on your comfort level).

My loved one wants to manage their own finances. Can I still run an AutoGive program for them?

Yes. How you disburse your group’s funds is up to you, your group and your loved one. Collecting funds and transferring them to your loved one is available by selecting “for someone else” during setup, then inviting them to join the group and add their bank account.

What if my loved one no longer needs support but I still have group funds in my account?

All money collected into your group is deposited weekly. If you decide to end your group, no further donations will be collected. However, any remaining funds will still be deposited to the recipient's bank account.

I still have a question…

No problem! We’d love to hear from you. Contact Us!

Start collecting monthly donations

Coin illustrationEnvelope illustration.Heart illustration.Coin illustrationHeart illustration.
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